Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Flue Gas Desulfurization Calculating Gypsum Produced from Coal Bunkered

Stoichiometric Calculation of Gypsum from Coal Bunkered

This is a sample calculation that shows how to calculate the gypsum produced from a scrubber using the amount of coal consumed and stoichiometry.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Double Loop Wet Limestone Scrubber Chemistry Control

This article is written to operators to provide information on the chemistry control of a double loop scrubber.  This article covers normal operation of the double loop scrubbers and does not address special circumstances such as aluminum fluoride blinding and particle size crashes.
I operated double loop scrubbers with a quencher capacity of approximately 60,000 gallons and an absorber feed tank of approximately 180,000 gallons.  The diameter of the tower was 36 feet.

Friday, December 12, 2014

How is the Flue Gas Scrubbed in a Double Loop Scrubber?

This article describes how the flue gas moves through a double loop scrubber and what happens to the gas as it moves through the scrubber.  Some of the functions of the scrubber internals are also described.  

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Wet Limestone Scrubbers.

I will be posting some information for whoever can use it.  It is the knowledge I gained in operating four double loop scrubbers and one single loop scrubber.

I worked as an operations engineer for six years at a electrical utility in Tampa, Florida.  During the time that I worked there, I was able to operate five wet limestone scrubbers.

I worked closely with the operators and the lab to optimize the operations of these scrubbers.  I will be posting blogs concerning how I operated the scrubbers. May be someone out there might need this information.